It's Tuesday afternoon, two days after being beaten and somewhat humiliated by Spurs live on Sky Sports with a very comfortable 3-2 win over Steve Bruce's boys and Bruce with his players are no where to be seen.
They haven't refused access for reporters and fans to enter the training ground or anything, no, no...the team aren't there. They're not training today. They are on a second back to back day off after a match. It beggars belief.
I can not believe what I am seeing here. Just think about it, you've not won a game all season. Your team are unfit. Your team are unorganised. And you spend not one but TWO days sitting on your arse watching Homes under the Hammer? I'm fuming.
The players have been given another day off, so no training again today #NUFC
The reason this is so enraging is this isn't a one off. Steve Bruce's team have more days off than the Queen. This was a factor when Ashley was here and it has continued into this new regime.
Where is the blokes pride of work? Where is his logic here? The man is an absolute fraud. A lazy one. You would think he would be putting in the extra hours to impress HIS new employers to give him a good crack at this job wouldn't you? Isn't that what he wants?
If this is his best effort in a) impressing his new employers he is the man for the job and b) turning around the team's fortunes than the man isn't fit for purpose. But tbh, we already know that. We already know he should be nowhere near the job...and in his own way he is obliging! Where are you??
To be even more cynical is to suggest he is purposely acting this way, by that I mean downing tools, as he wants to be sacked. He is practically begging for it. Openly goading the owners to push the button and give him is £8m pay off. This is the level of the man.
Newcastle takeover 7/10/21 8/10 - day off 9/10 - day off 10/10 - day off 11/10 - training 12/10 - training 13/10 - day off 14/10 - training 15/10 - training 16/10 - day off 17/10 - game 18/10 - day off 19/10 - day off
😡😡😡 what the fuck? 7 days off in 11 days! @NUFC
As professional as a teenager forced to do community service. Bunking off whenever he can. Doing the bare minimum. Yet crying like a little bitch whenever he gets the opportunity. The man is clown. 1000 game fraud.
How he is still in the job I have no idea. I don't know what the new owners are waiting for. The rumour is Staveley and Reuben wanted to sack him last week before the Spurs game but didn't recieve the ok from majority owner PIF.
Well, Yasir Al-Rumayyan, our new chairman, was here on Sunday. Literally in the room so why was the decision not given the ok on Sunday night? The whole stadium was calling for "Bruce Out!" so why is he still here 48 hours later? I'm baffled.
Newcastle's new chairman Yasir Al-Rumayyan and owner Amanda Staveley receive a massive reception from the fans ⚪️ ⚫️
Sack him. Pay him off and let Graeme Jones take the team for this weekend. He will work the players all week long and give him the best chance of a result as we desperately need it.
Bruce is dead man walking and he knows it. Having two days off training directly after a match that you lost is a total piss take when you haven't won a match all season. He wants to be sacked? Do it. Get rid. He is lingering around like a really bad smell.
Honestly, I am fuming. The team continues to suffer with a lack of fitness (they are knackered in EVERY match) and plan to actually win a game. All because this waste of space is too lazy and selfish to do his job. Get out.
I've seen lots of articles from the sporting and none sporting media, as well as comments flood in from fans of other clubs slating this NUFC takeover and venting directly at Newcastle fans.
Must say, this is all a bit strange. For the record. We don't like beheadings. We don't accept flogging. We don't approve of stoning people. We don't celebrate journalists being chopped up. We don't laugh at any kind of atrocity. So why are you telling us about them like we do?
Our football club first and foremost has been relieved of Mike Ashley. Party time. Big party.
Today we've turned down the 30+ media requests. We said our piece yesterday and got the message out there standing up for #nufc fans in local, national and international media.
The football club has been chased by Amanda Staveley for 4 years and she chose the PIF as her big backer. She, for what it's worth, doesn't like or approve of any atrocities either.
This is a business and she has put together a business deal that the PL have (finally) accepted. A legal agreement is in place that shows seperation from the KSA and we crack on.
📸 Amanda Staveley and @ghodoussi get to work as they met with #NUFC staff at St. James' Park earlier today.
You may think that seperation between PIF and KSA is bogus. You may think lots of things. But to judge, ask questions of or blatantly decide you now dislike Newcastle and its fans is just a bit weird.
The easiest thing to counter is to offer you're a bit jealous and salty about it. But let's say you're not. Your anger needs to be directed at the following:
The Premier League, Amanda Staveley and Mike Ashley.
They are the ones who have made this business transaction happen. No one else. Not Newcastle fans.
Don't get me wrong. Some will be sportwashed beyond help and will embarrass the club somewhat (already seeing it before this deal landed). Nothing the rest of us can do unfortunately. Just have to stomach it.
'Newcastle can hope for top four, but realistically all the loss of their soul has bought them is a chance at the Europa league and the scorn of all other fans everywhere.' #Mailbox#NUFC
But to see some of the things being thrown at all NUFC fans is pretty ridiculous. PIF have invested in many companies across the globe. Having a go at Newcastle fans, judging them & asking them about the KSA makes as much sense as:
Dragging a passenger out of an Uber and asking how he feels about KSA human rights record. Going through an airport and demanding what people waiting for their Boeing 747 plane to arrive are doing and asking them about KSA public flogging. Stopping Barbara from sipping on her Starbucks and demanding she tell you her feelings on KSA attitude towards women.
Nobody would because that's a bit mental. PIF have bought into those and many other companies and yet here we are (it will likely fade) seeing NUFC supporters getting this treatment. Pretty bizarre if you take a step back and think about it.
By all means ask us about player recruitment being funded by oil money if you like. That has more relevance. But the murder of a journalist? You're asking the wrong crowd, mate.
(Some of PIF's investments as of March 2020)
It's also a clear case of picking and choosing. Not one single person in the media asked Newcastle fans what they thought of Mike Ashley's Victorian working conditions at the Sports Direct HQ and staff having to give birth in the toilets.
No radio presenter on BBC radio 4, or TalkSport for that matter, got Kevin from Gosforth opinion on that, because it had nowt to do with NUFC. It was Ashley and his issues. We were associated with him but in a completely separate entity.
You cant pick and choose which outside events are to be used to beat football fans with. Football things for football fans. Footballers taking the knee? Yea fair. Politicians attacking PL players wages? Maybe. Middle East Country treatment of its people? What?
Ask the PL if you like. They may tell you PIF and KSA are separate. Well, they definitely will. If you wanna judge that badly, go ahead. But do us a favour. Don't be judging a bunch of football club supporters. It's all a bit weird.
Enjoy your next Boeing flight, Facebook update and Disney movie. Genuinely, guilt free. What the KSA do has nowt to do with you enjoying those things. Also, enjoy the Newcastle game.
Ashley has gone and almost have to pinch myself. I’m excited for my beloved Newcastle United but also understand the worries about human rights.